Advanced Ajax Intruder Alarm Systems
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Advanced Ajax Intruder Alarm Systems

intrusion alarm system

Cutting-Edge AJAX Technology: Ideal for Commercial & Residential Properties

AJAX is the ultimate intruder alarm system for commercial and residential use. From temporary to permanent solutions, we've got you covered.

AJAX intruder alarm technology is an optimal solution for both commercial and residential premises. Whether you're looking for a temporary security measure or a more permanent solution, we have the products and services you need to keep your property safe and secure.

Ajax security system core features include

  • Wireless and Battery-Powered

  • Hub and Multi-Device Connectivity

  • Real-Time Alerts

  • Dual Authentication

  • Detailed Event History

  • Tamper Protection

  • Smart Home Integration

  • Remote Control Through Ajax Mobile App

  • Regular Software Updates

Need to Secure your Site?

Contact our security experts now to discuss your security requirements and get a quote from us.

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