Pub & Retail Sector | Propertysec
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vacant shop boarded up with plywood

Pubs & Retail

When there is a need to restructure your pub, restaurant chain or retail building, we are on hand to secure every vacant property security space to your brand standards.  

video verification system

Video Alarm Systems

Recent events have had a significant impact on both the retail and hospitality sectors.  The number of shops closing and pubs going out of business has reached an all time high.  Empty shops and pubs are an attractive target to thieves, vandals and squatters.  


Video verification systems are ideal in deterring unauthorised access to your property or unlawful intrusion. Once armed, they use motion detection to identify intruders, instantly transmitting footage to our partnering monitoring station. 


Once motion is detected an audible alarm is triggered, deterring the trespasser or intruder. Once an alarm has been verified as legitimate, police and/or security personnel will be notified and dispatched, providing rapid response 24/7.

empty shop secured with intruders alarm system

Temporary or Permanent Intruder Alarms

Intruder alarms are an effective method of deterring potential intruders, as well as detecting those that are not so easily deterred such as squatters.  We install a range of products designed for use in empty properties, from mains powered systems such as AJAX, to RSi Videofied for de-energised units.


Alarm systems when used in conjunction with steel window and door screens, provide a strong defence against all types of intruders.

Need to Secure your Site?

Contact our security experts now to discuss your security requirements and get a quote from us.

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