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10 Ways to Improve Commercial Property Security: Creating Layers of Defence

Updated: Aug 18

Protect commercial buildings by implementing multiple layers of security to minimise unauthorised access and damage. This blog explores ten effective strategies for enhancing commercial building security, specifically focusing on void properties and various security measures.

empty property with windows and doors boarded up with plywood

Ensuring the security of commercial buildings, especially vacant properties, is crucial to protect against potential threats and minimise the risk of unauthorised access or damage.

By implementing multiple layers of security, following the concept of defence in depth, property owners can significantly enhance their building's protection.

In this blog, we will explore ten effective strategies for improving commercial building security, focusing on void properties and various security measures.

1. Site Clearance and Property Upkeep for Empty Buildings:

The broken windows theory emphasises the importance of property maintenance and upkeep. Clearing the site of debris, repairing broken windows and maintaining a well-kept appearance can deter potential intruders, as it creates an impression that the property is actively monitored and cared for.

2. Installation of Perimeter Barriers:

Physical barriers, such as security fencing, create an initial line of defence. Permanent or temporary security fence system can be used to secure the perimeter, preventing unauthorised access and deterring intruders.

Strong and well-maintained fences are effective deterrents.

3. Reinforced Window Protection for Property Security

Windows are vulnerable entry points in commercial buildings. Enhance the security of your vacant building by using steel panels to board them up.

Here a few boarding up options:

Perforated Steel Sheets

Perforated security screens provide a heightened level of security when compared with timber. The benefits of perforated security screens include:

  • Visible deterrent to criminals

  • Creates a steel barrier over the window

  • Perforation lets light through to allow internal viewing

  • Resistant to arson attack

  • Cut to size to fit into window reveals

  • Fairly cheap long term solution

SITEX Security Screen

Sitex security screens are a purpose-built alternative to wooden boards, offering better security and fire resistance in the event of attempted break-in or arson attack.


Our compression system is a game-changing concept that requires no fixings into the brickwork and doesn't require the removal of windows, making it a quick, sustainable, and incredibly robust solution.

These systems provide robust protection while maintaining visibility and allowing natural light to enter the building.

For more detail in our boarding up solution click here

4. Fence-Mounted Sensor Technology and Lighting:

Deploying advanced sensor technology on perimeter fences, like those offered by Device Smart or Harper Chalice, helps detect potential threats at the property boundary.

These sensors can identify unauthorised entry attempts, providing time to execute a response and intercept intruders.

Lighting: Providing high quality, effective lighting for your commercial building is crucial for aesthetics, accessibility and most importantly, safety for the building and the occupants.

When it comes to commercial outdoor lighting, businesses will need to find a solution that looks the part but also delivers the right output and power which provides the right sense of security needed throughout the day and evening.

There is a wide range of different lighting options available, which will ensure that employees, visitors, staff and customers feel protected when in or around your building, including in car parks or outdoor pathways

5. Off-Grid Video Verification Technology:

Reconeyez Video Verification System

Reconeyez is a military-trusted wireless security system that redefines site protection. It features advanced video verification and intelligent analytics for real-time monitoring, precise threat detection, and rapid response.

This cutting-edge technology ensures continuous site security, setting a new standard in performance and reliability.

RSI Videofied

RSI Videofied is a top off-grid surveillance technology designed for remote sites and areas without reliable power sources. Battery-powered and low maintenance, it's the perfect solution for securing locations where traditional power options aren't available.

AJAX Alarm System

AJAX intruder alarm technology is a state-of-the-art solution for both commercial and residential properties. Whether you need temporary or permanent security, AJAX offers the perfect products and services to keep your property safe and secure.

These systems use cameras and motion sensors to capture and transmit real-time video footage, enabling remote monitoring and verification of potential security breaches.

For more detail in our Security Technology solution click here

6. Live Streaming Surveillance Systems:

Implementing live streaming surveillance systems, including CCTV towers and PIDS (Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems), provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities.

These systems enable continuous surveillance of the property, deterring intruders and providing valuable evidence in the event of an incident.

7. Anti-Vehicle Measures:

To prevent unauthorised vehicle access, install anti-vehicle measures like concrete blocks. Consider using heavier 6-meter types that are difficult to displace, providing an effective barrier against vehicles (caravans, trucks used to dump waste).

8. 24/7 Monitoring:

Effective security relies on round-the-clock monitoring. Ensure that an accredited security service provider continuously monitors alarms and notifications. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of missed incidents or nuisance alarms.

9. Mobile Response Teams and Regular Void Property Checks:

Deploying mobile response teams to respond to activations and perform regular vacant property checks significantly enhances security. These teams can quickly reach the site, assess any potential threats and take appropriate action to mitigate risks.

10. Security Personnel and Robotic Solutions:

Consider employing well-trained security personnel, including K9 units, for on-site security presence. Additionally, advancements in robotics and AI have introduced autonomous patrolling solutions that can complement traditional security measures.

These robotic systems equipped with AI algorithms can perform patrols, detect anomalies and notify security personnel when necessary.


Implementing multiple layers of security, following the defence in depth approach, significantly improves the protection of commercial buildings, especially void properties.

By combining measures such as site clearance, perimeter barriers, reinforced window protection, advanced sensor technology, video verification systems, anti-vehicle measures, 24/7 monitoring, mobile response teams and security personnel or robotic solutions, property owners can create a robust security framework.

Such measures deter those that can be deterred and delays those that can't, providing much needed time to respond to potential intruders.

While some may argue that displacement of criminal activity is not the ultimate aim of property security, it can be considered a positive outcome.

Displacement occurs when criminals choose to target other locations that they perceive as easier or less secure. While it is not the sole objective of property security, discouraging criminal activity at a specific property can lead opportunistic criminals to seek alternative targets where security measures may be lacking or less effective.

Adopting some or all of the measures detailed above, provides a significant incentive to potential adversaries to look elsewhere for easier pickings!


To learn more about our commercial building property security services and how we can assist you in safeguarding your empty property, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team at Propertysec is ready to address your security needs and provide tailored solutions for a secure environment.

Reach out to us today to discuss your requirements and explore the comprehensive security options we offer.

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